Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Working together. Saving lives.
Keeping our promises

Our strategy:

If an individual suffers a medical emergency in our county, we should be equipped to protect their safety and maximise positive medical outcomes. Whatever it takes.

It’s the basis upon which LIVES was built in the past. It will always inform our plans for the future.

When location or geography makes it more difficult to access emergency healthcare, we will be there to deliver pre-hospital emergency medicine excellence, wherever it’s needed. Full stop.

Over the next five years, we will strive to continue to:

1. Understand our impact
We know we make a difference but measuring that is sometimes difficult. We will improve our data collection and adopt new measures to demonstrate the difference we make. We will work with research partners to build an evidence base for the effectiveness of our emergency response activity. We will use this information to continuously improve the quality of care that we deliver to people in our communities.

2. Grow our presence
We want every community in Lincolnshire to have access to our response. We will increase the number of LIVES responders in operation across Lincolnshire, with targeted recruitment in areas where there is less coverage. We will invest in the skills of these responders so they can meet the needs of their community. And we will identify opportunities to use our skills in different ways to support people in medical need.

3. Focus on quality
We strive to excel at everything that we do. Our work is always based on evidence and we focus on delivering quality service and care – in our clinical activity, our training and the knowledge that we provide. We inspire and encourage all our people to be the best that they can be, at their chosen level.

4. Sustain our growth financially
We will develop and consolidate income streams that support the charity to deliver our aims. We will ensure that we have adequate reserves to weather unpredictable circumstances. And we will be transparent with our supporters, customers and funders, so they are clear on how we spend the funds that they trust us with.

5. Achieve the highest levels of governance excellence
Doing the right thing is important to us, even when that is difficult. We will maintain robust and structured processes, in both clinical and charity governance. We will ensure that we are compliant with all regulatory requirements and that we are a model of best practice, in both leading volunteers and delivering prehospital emergency medicine.

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